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Pearly White parasol in the garden of Elle Photography

Pearly White franje parasol in de Ibiza tuin van Elle Fotografie

January 8, 2025

Two extremes, black and white, come together beautifully in this garden, as a serene whole!

Danielle van der Reijden, better known as Elle Fotografie on Instagram, has enriched her lovely garden with a beautiful Yuna parasol. She went for the Pearly White which is not surprising, because if you know her feed you know that she loves a lot of light and has an elegant, cozy interior. Funny enough, in addition to the white decking in the garden, she also has a completely black corner. Danielle is not averse to making daring and original choices in her interior, which translates to her garden! The white fringed parasol, Pearly White, also comes into its own here!

We can hardly choose where we like it better, but we leave that to Danielle. After all, she knows a lot about it. One thing is certain; with a garden like that we would never be able to get away! Tasty snacks, a good book and rest under your beautiful Yuna parasol - wonderful! Would you like to see more of these beautiful photos and take a look at her home? Be sure to check Danielle's feed @ellefotografie or blog.

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